About Us

The Idaho Department of Education is the state agency that supports and strengthens K-12 education in Idaho. By advocating for Idaho’s families, educators, and schools with funding and educational policy alignment, we support and lead academic achievement to ensure every student is prepared with the skills and job readiness to succeed.
The department's Organizational Chart is a graphical representation of how we are divided into departments within our organization. While each group has their specific responsibilities and obligations, we all work together and are committed to helping students achieve academic success.
Organization and Administration
Idaho’s public school system is established by Article IX, Section 1, of the Idaho Constitution:
“The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.”
The Constitution also establishes the Superintendent of Public Instruction as one of the state’s voter-elected executive officers (Article IV, Section 1) and creates a State Board of Education (Article IX, Section 2) with broad governance and oversight over Idaho’s public schools and post-secondary institutions.
Idaho law (§33-125, Idaho Code) establishes the State Department of Education as “an executive agency of the state board of education” and tasks the state superintendent with leading the department. The superintendent “shall have the responsibility for carrying out policies, procedures and duties authorized by law or established by the state board of education for all elementary and secondary school matters[.]” That responsibility includes distributing funds, administering statewide assessments, licensing educators, and providing support and resources to local education agencies.
State Board of Education
The eight-member State Board of Education is comprised of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and seven members appointed by the governor to five-year terms. The Superintendent is an ex officio voting member and the board’s executive secretary for all elementary and secondary school matters.
The State Board of Education establishes policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the public elementary and secondary schools of the state in instruction, school administration, teacher certification, professional practices, facilities, transportation, and other areas. The Board is supported by an administrative staff led by a governor-appointed Executive Director.
Local Education Agencies
The state’s K-12 public schools are organized by school districts and public charter schools, which are political subdivisions of the state for the special purpose of education. The local education agencies are responsible for managing day-to-day operations, hiring staff, and developing curriculum.
Each school district is administered by its own locally elected board. Each public charter school is administered by a charter holder, or the charter school’s board of directors. Both are required to act in compliance with state and federal laws, federal regulations, and state rules, standards, and policies adopted by the State Board of Education. See Title 33, Chapter 5, Idaho Code, for general statutory powers and duties of district trustees. See Title 33, Chapter 52, Idaho Code, for general statutory powers and duties public charter schools.
Idaho Public Schools Facts
- 116 Districts
- 74 Charters
- 736 Schools
- 32,000+ Certificated Teachers
- 7,000+ Teachers with a master's or more
- 313,000+ K-12 Students
- 72,000 CTE Students
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Our mission to support Idaho students, educators, and school leaders with the tools and resources needed to achieve academic excellence through strategic thought leadership and policy alignment.