The Quantile® Framework for Mathematics

The Quantile® Framework for Mathematics measures mathematics achievement and the difficulty of mathematical skills and concepts on the same scale.

What Is a Quantile® Measure?

The Quantile® Framework consists of a Quantile® measure and the Quantile® scale. A Quantile® measure represents the difficulty of a mathematical skill, concept or application and a student’s understanding of these mathematical skills and concepts. Quantile® measures are expressed as numeric measures followed by a “Q” (for example, 850Q), and represent a position on the Quantile® scale.

The Quantile® Framework spans the developmental continuum from Kindergarten mathematics through the content typically taught in Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Pre-calculus, from below 0Q (Emerging Mathematician) to above 1600Q.

Quantile® measures take the guesswork out of determining which mathematical skills a developing mathematician has learned and which ones require additional or future instruction. They improve mathematics teaching and learning by helping educators and parents target instruction and monitor student growth toward the mathematical demands of college and careers.

  • Benefits for Students: Learn how a student’s Quantile® measure can help parents better understand and communicate with their child’s teacher about which skills and concepts their child is ready to learn
  • Benefits for Educators: Quantile® measures empower educators in K-12 mathematics to prepare students for the introduction of new content. Learn how the Quantile® Framework can help educators target instruction, track growth and identify appropriate resources

Quantile® Measures in Idaho

Students will receive a Quantile® measure from the Idaho Standards Achievement Test in Mathematics in grades 3 - 8 and high school. View a score report sample containing Quantile® measure information.

Additional mathematics tests and instructional programs can report students’ performance in terms of Quantile® measures. Visit MetaMetrics to access a list of assessments, by assessment type, which provides student Quantile® measures.

Using Quantile® Measures to Assess College and Career Readiness

An important factor in college and career readiness is students’ mathematical ability as they progress through school. The Quantile® Framework provides valuable insights into student readiness by measuring both the complexity of mathematics materials and a student’s mathematical knowledge and skill.

Visit the Quantile® Growth Planner and monitor growth towards college and career readiness in mathematics.

Using Quantile® Measures to Assess College and Career Readiness

The skills and concepts of The Quantile® Framework are aligned to the Idaho Mathematics Content Standards. Two free Quantile® web tools, Math Skills Database and the Quantile® Teacher Assistant, allow you to search the database of Quantile® skills aligned to Idaho Content Standards. Simply choose “Idaho” from the drop down menu within each tool to access the alignment.

For questions or more information on Quantile® measures, contact the Assessment & Accountability Department at (208) 332-6977.