Nowhere to go: Idaho’s Homeless Families and Youth

Idaho Homeless Enrollment by District Poverty Level

Idaho Homeless Enrollment by LEA Poverty Level illustration

This map shows the correlation of poverty to homelessness in the state of Idaho. Statewide, approximately 47% of students qualify for free and/or reduced price lunches. National data trends show that approximately 10% of students qualifying for free and or reduced price lunch may be living in homeless situations.

On average the percentage of students living in McKinney-Vento eligible situations is 2.5% of our total student population.

In Idaho, we have students who have been identified as homeless living throughout the state in both urban and rural areas - though our more urban areas have a larger total number.

Five-year Historical Graph

5 Year comparison of number of homeless children

This graph illustrates the number of unduplicated homeless students throughout the state of Idaho from 2016-2021 School Years (SY):

  • SY 2018-2019: 8,086 homeless youth
  • SY 2019-2020: 7,835 homeless youth
  • SY 2020-2021: 7,381 homeless youth
  • SY 2021-2022: 8,433 homeless youth
  • SY 2022-2023: 9,144 homeless youth

Homeless - Where are they Staying?

Where are they Staying Pie Chart

This pie chart shows the percentages of homeless students based on where they were living during the 2022-2023:

  • 6,455 were doubled-up with friends or family (71%)
  • 367 were living in Shelters or Transitional Housing (4%)
  • 836 were living in hotels/motels (9%)
  • 852 were unsheltered living in cars, campers with no service, or substandard situations (9%)
  • 634 were unknown (7%)

Information comes from the district reported numbers.

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth

Map of Unaccompanied Homeless Youth in Idaho

An Unaccompanied Homeless Youth is an individual who meets the McKinney-Vento definition of lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate living situation AND is also not in the physical custody of his/her parent or guardian.

This map shows the percentage of identified Homeless Children/Youth in Idaho who are considered Unaccompanied Homeless Youth by color. The darker the area the higher percentage of students who are navigating homelessness on their own.

Pie Chart of Unaccompanied Homeless Youth in Idaho in SY2022-23